Art Therapy In Recovery: Using the Power of Creativity to Treat Addiction

Art is proven to relieve stress4 by processing emotions and focusing your attention on the beauty around you, all of which results in a happier you! The process may also include reflecting on or interpreting the art and discussing it with others. She performed in front of a live audience without spontaneously combusting, and at that very moment she created a new, sober frame of reference in her chosen art form. One by one, clients trotted out art therapy for addiction their creations, some abstract or cartoonish in appearance, others painstakingly crafted in their owner’s likeness, but all with some version of darkness or chaos lining their interiors. One was a study in black and white, unadorned on the outside and caked in globs of black tempera on the inside. One client, instead of painting the mask at all, chose to cut it to pieces that she let flutter to the floor with a dramatic flick of the wrist.

  • Art therapy’s capacity to unlock the language of the soul makes it a valuable and transformative resource in addiction recovery.
  • When people create art, they can often access parts of themselves that they may not be able to reach in other ways.
  • Then, we’ll dive into the positive impact of Art Therapy on addiction recovery backed by real-life case studies and research.
  • A category of diseases known as common metal disorders (CMDs) is a functional clinical classification for “deeper psychological discomfort experiences”.
  • Addiction counselors are specially trained to look beyond the surface, offering support and strategies that pave the way to long-term recovery.
  • Art therapy is a holistic treatment that provides the tools to cope with triggers like anger and loneliness.

Art Therapy for Self-Exploration and Personal Growth

Together, you can draw on shared experiences to tackle these issues and suggest ways to resolve them productively. When we say distraction, we are referring to your ability to shift your focus from the urge to use substances to release your energy in another, healthier way. Distraction is not always effective or desirable; for example, distracting yourself with TV every time you’re stressed isn’t productive and can actually impede you from getting work done. However, if you’ve been considering picking up a substance again, turning toward art is healthier, both physically and mentally.

More To Explore

These one-on-one sessions, along with group sessions, provide a safe space for you to explore verbal or non-verbal expressions of your emotions and thoughts. We also keep group therapy to a maximum of eight participants, ensuring that you can maintain a comfortable and focused environment. Some common techniques include creative writing, where you may be given an initial prompt or a specific topic to explore.

Self-Expression in Art Eases the Effects of Trauma

Art therapy can help people struggling with addiction by giving them a visual representation of their inner feelings, which may be hard for them to put into words. It also provides an opportunity for relaxation, helping people ease into a more peaceful state of mind. A true fact-based on historical records tells us that during World War I and II, soldiers received art therapy treatments to recover from PTDS (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). These treatments combine talk therapy with artistic consciousness to promote introspection, reflection, and problem-solving skills among survivors.

how art therapy can help in addiction recovery

This review examines the current research on how active participation in the arts might improve mental health. A detailed literature search was carried out utilizing essential databases such as PubMed, the WHO’s mental health database, and Google and Google Scholar. This review study looks into research done on art therapy and its potential advantages for adult mental health rehabilitation. It focuses on visual art therapy since it’s a key to reducing variation within the “creative arts” and defines the peculiar elements and effectiveness of art therapy used by mental health services.

  • The social support and coping skills emphasized in 12-step programs are well-aligned with psychological theories of behavior change, potentially explaining their effectiveness.
  • There are numerous resources and dedicated professionals available to guide you on the path to recovery and wellness.
  • The average logged program size was 2.6, which represented 27.1 FTEs (the median was 12.5 FTEs), while the average age of a treatment program was 28.4 years.
  • It works by helping individuals tap into their subconscious minds and express themselves in a way that they may not be able to through verbal communication alone.
  • World-class rehabs often offer much more robust specialty programming, with the staff, environment and resources necessary to create the best experience possible.

Substance Abuse Treatment

Most parents want to do the best job possible and it behooves us to take a minute to think about our parenting values. People who regularly inject the drug may suffer from collapsed veins and a higher risk for contracting HIV/AIDS or hepatitis. Snorting meth can damage sinus cavities and nasal passages, and lead to chronic nosebleeds and/or a perpetual runny nose. Research shows that TSF combined with traditional therapy often enhances long-term recovery outcomes. However, not everyone will resonate with the spiritual elements or style of traditional 12-step groups.

Approaching Gender Inclusivity in Your Practice

how art therapy can help in addiction recovery

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